Whimsical Cookery is a site for adults who prefer to eat like children, or perhaps just need to cook for some children. This site contains an aversion to vegetables, a love of fried food and cupcakes, lazy shortcuts, some disturbing creations, and an ignorance of proper culinary practices...

Wednesday 19 November 2014

Sriracha Cream Sauce

This recipe has been so enjoyed in our house I thought it warranted it's own post!  Sriracha cream sauce is good on almost anything.  A dip for chicken, a sauce for fried fish tacos, a sauce for salmon, a mayo-replacement in a sandwich, or as a salad cream, it's all good!  It is extremely versatile and makes almost anything extra-delicious!!  This recipe is made from an amalgamation of sriracha sauces I've found online.  This.  This one is the magic one.

Yield: Approximately 1 1/2 cups sauce

You will need:
1 cup mayonnaise (light is fine)
1/3 cup condensed milk (again, light is fine)
3 1/2 Tbsp Sriracha sauce

Simply whisk all ingredients together and serve.  I bottle mine so that I have it on hand when I get a craving!